7 ways to treat others with respect

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The Golden Rule is often expressed as: “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” Respect is about adopting a positive, polite approach and attitude to others that makes their lives better and the world a nicer place to be. Respect is both given and received and often treating others with respect will teach them to treat you with respect. In a country as diverse as South Africa, respect for others is the first step to acceptance and understanding.

  1. Don’t judge people or stereotype them. Show interest and respect towards people of different cultures, races or religions. Act with kindness.
  2. Practice good manners. Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking, say please and thank you, be courteous, value someone’s time by being punctual and don’t be rude or condescending towards others.
  3. Make your word your bond. If you agree to do something, follow through and be on time. Reliability and trustworthiness foster respect.
  4. Respect your colleagues. Learn the names of everyone in your office or department. Greet them politely. Don’t monopolise a colleague’s time with idle gossip. Give them space to work.
  5. Give others a chance to express their views. Never cut in or try to speak over them. Give colleagues, friends and even your children a chance to voice their opinions. Don’t criticise someone’s work in an open forum. Instead, make an appointment to see the person to discuss the issue in private.
  6. Show integrity. Treat people fairly at all times. If you are wrong, don’t be afraid to admit you made a mistake. You will teach others by example.
  7. Show gratitude. A simple ‘thank you’ to someone for their support or assistance will show your respect for the time they put in. If you are not able to say it in person, send a letter, SMS or an e-mail.


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